TEACHING BOARD FENG SHUI: Overview of the 5 movements


(Wu Tian Ming Gong Jue / Frank Behrendt & Yun Yi Na)

Fachverlag für Traditionelle Chinesische Medizin & Östliche Wissenschaften, Stralsund 2009.

ISBN 978-3-941814-01-1

The elementary and universal legitimacies of the 5 Movements are indicated very clear and extensively. They are depicted by clear graphic illustrations in a unique way.

Artikelnummer: 978-3-941814-01-1 Kategorien: , ,


Overview of the 5 Movements (5 Elements – Wu Xing)

– according to Grandmaster Wu Gong Jue

(Wu Tian Ming Gong Jue / Frank Behrendt & Yun Yi Na)

Fachverlag für Traditionelle Chinesische Medizin & Östliche Wissenschaften, Stralsund 2009.

ISBN 978-3-941814-01-1


The elementary and universal legitimacies of the 5 Movements are indicated very clear and extensively. They are depicted by clear graphic illustrations in a unique way.

Effective-directions, colors, seasons and daytimes, climatic factors, Animals of the Old Heaven and the New Heaven, meanings of heaven, signs of the zodiac, the planets, numbers, characteristics of yin and yang, forms, embodiments, development stages, tissues, internal organ-domains, humors, sence-organs and functions, flavorings and odors, emotions, temper, mental qualities, sorts of tea, tea-cups, sorts of Ling Zhi (Fungus of Immortality), Healing Jades and energetic Healing Stones are contrasted with each other.

This overview is an excellent illustration for healing practices, consulting rooms and educational institutions of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), Feng Shui and Chinese Astrology, therapeutic massage studios, Tai Ji or Qi Gong training schools.

Format: A0 = 84,1cm x 118,9 cm – with clamp


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